Cassidy LeBlond
Cassidy LeBlond is a graduate of Ryerson University with a Bachelor of Design in Fashion Design. Ryerson connected her with other like-minded designers who learned from each other and compiled their own thoughts to form a new understanding of design and sustainability. Cassidy's style compiles vintage inspiration, Up-cycling, sustainable sourcing, to introduce a fun flare on functional pieces. Her interest in environmental sustainability motivates her to create pieces using only secondhand materials and natural fibres. The 23 year old lives in Vancouver BC, concluding her third collection, "Sea to Sky", as well as creating custom pieces for clients.

What makes Cassidy's work Special
Cassidy is a passionate young designer who works with naturally sustainable or secondhand materials to reduce waste and create new life in post-consumer textiles.
Using all natural thread to reduce Micro-plastics and thrift store fabrics to prevent and cut down on textile waste to landfills. Often the materials come from table cloths, vintage sheets, and end of roll cut offs that need a purpose. In no way is this ending textile waste, but the less demand for new material, the less damage to the Earth.